Dinosaur T-Rex T.rex skeleton cast replica
T.rex cast replica
Tyrannosaurus Rex "Ivan" fossil skeleton
Ivan the T. rex was discovered by paleontologist Alan Komrosky in 2007, in South Dakota – only 5 feet underground.
The original fossil T-rex skeleton was molded and now cast replicas are available exclusively from TMF.
Resin cast measures 40 feet long and 12 feet high.
Resin cast $84,995 Assembled
$74,995 Unassembled
Crating and shipping costs are not included.
We can custom paint any of our casts - just ask!
Various stands available.
This skeleton is also available for rent.
Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more information or photos
Freight shipping is not included in price and can not be calculated in shopping cart.
How do you feel about 3 Tyrannosaur species? Original Tyrannosaurus rex (king tyrant lizard), the newly named, robust Tyrannosaurus imperator (emperor tyrant lizard) and the newly named, comparatively slender Tyrannosaurus regina (tyrant lizard queen)?