Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull
Phororhacos inflatus. Terror Bird.
Dim: 358mm/14.1in.
Item code: MGS303
This is an absolutely massive bird skull.
Phororhacos(pronounced "FOR-rus-RAH-kos") Bird Skull
Phororhacos inflatus; Model skull cast
Fossil bird of Miocene Brazil and Patagonia.
Phorusrhacos stood around 2.5 meters (8 ft) tall and weighed approximately 130 kilograms (280 lbs) (Alvarenga & Höfling, 2003). It was nicknamed the "Terror Bird" for obvious reasons: it was one of the largest carnivorous birds to have ever existed, along with Titanis, and its rudimentary wings formed arm-like structures with claws shaped like a meat hook for tackling prey, which was then killed with the massive beak.
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This item is not typically kept in stock and may require 30 days production time.