Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica
Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica

Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull skull cast replica

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Phororhacos giant killer bird model skull

Phororhacos inflatus. Terror Bird.
Dim: 358mm/14.1in.
Item code: MGS303


This is an absolutely massive bird skull.

Phororhacos(pronounced "FOR-rus-RAH-kos") Bird Skull

Phororhacos inflatus; Model skull cast

Fossil bird of Miocene Brazil and Patagonia.

Phorusrhacos stood around 2.5 meters (8 ft) tall and weighed approximately 130 kilograms (280 lbs) (Alvarenga & Höfling, 2003). It was nicknamed the "Terror Bird" for obvious reasons: it was one of the largest carnivorous birds to have ever existed, along with Titanis, and its rudimentary wings formed arm-like structures with claws shaped like a meat hook for tackling prey, which was then killed with the massive beak.

Customer review: "I received my Phororhacos bird skull cast today, it is great! Thank you very much"

This item is not typically kept in stock and may require 30 days production time.